Therapeutic applications of yoga - Dream Health

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Saturday 13 August 2011

Therapeutic applications of yoga

As the regular practice of yoga leads to changes in different levels and may improve long-term, overall health, it is difficult to isolate clearly the specific benefits. In addition, research protocols evaluating the benefits of yoga are difficult to implement because, for example, it is difficult to get someone to make "false yoga" (placebo) one hour per day for 2 years . Studies have been done anyway, here are the main results.


Contribute to the likely effectiveness of asthma treatment. The yoga could help reduce drug use in asthma of all ages. It would also improve their quality of life, both psychological (mood, attitude, confidence, etc..) And physiological (muscle relaxation, flexibility and strength of joints, cardiac health, etc.). 2-15. The safety of Yoga is well-established practice of therapeutic intervention seems interesting and inexpensive can be used as an adjunct to traditional therapy in case of asthma.

Likely effectiveness improve cardiovascular health. Results of clinical trials have shown that yoga can have a significant effect on risk factors associated with disease and syndrome cardiovascular metabolic. It has observed that yoga can reduce weight gain associated with the age 19, total lower cholesterol, provide better glycemic control in diabétic and improve the antioxidant status of organisme27. The results of several trials suggest that yogic practices can significantly lower blood pressure. Other clinical trials suggest that the practice of yoga can help slow the onset of disease coronariennes and assist in the rehabilitation cardiaque38-40. Finally, a synthesis of studies, published in 2004, identified 13 trials of yoga and cardiovascular disease. It concludes that the practice of yoga may be beneficial in the primary and secondary prevention of diseases cardiovasculaires.

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