Elecampane - it treats what? - Dream Health

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Thursday 1 September 2011

Elecampane - it treats what?

According to Dr. Jean Valnet, the light is one of the most valuable plants. Antiseptic soothing, drying of the airways, it was used to treat everything that is called bronchitis, cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, although it is not so effective for asthma ordinary. Tonic, diuretic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, it also treated the nephritis, anemia, general fatigue, painful periods or no periods, the white discharge, intestinal parasites, diarrhea, gout, and by externally, dermatitis, pruritus, ulcers, bedsores and tracheitis. Rich in inulin, a sugar not comparable, it would be useful to diabetics, as, indeed, other plants of the Compositae family that contain. Chicory, or beard-de-capuchin, among others.

- The nose and beard of the Capuchins, you say?
- Pardon?
- Yes, the tea, you take it on the nose and beard of the Capuchins?
- Ah! Ah! Really funny!
- By the way, you know that the Latin equivalent of "monk" was cappuccino?
- Oh! Nice! Because of the cap, I suppose?
- From the hood, more specifically, a cap point size.
- Fascinating, but it derives a lot, I think.

We take the light in the form of decoction with 10 to 20 grams per liter of water a cup before each meal. Or as a stain for 15 to 20 drops, four to five times a day. Dried and powdered root can be taken as a proportion of 2 to 10 g in any liquid, a cup of chicken broth, for example.

If you have had the good idea to dry St John's wort and ground ivy in season, you can prepare a potion designed to treat bronchitis and cough that may occur during the winter, mixing the three plants equally and infusing the whole ten minutes at a rate of one teaspoon per cup of water. Take three cups a day, before or after meals.

To treat skin diseases, especially pruritus, wash the affected part with a decoction prepared at 30 g per liter of water.

In China, we use flowers of Inula japonica to treat asthma and bronchitis accompanied by an overflow of mucus, and vomiting and acid reflux.

It is found occasionally around Montreal and Quebec, or the Gaspé. It prefers damp places. If you can not find, you can cultivate. You can choose from the variety usually well adapted to our climate and Goliath, a spectacular variety with large flowers, which is less hardy and therefore requires protection of straw or leaves over the winter.

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